Kevin, son of a fisherman, embarks on his trawler the Serena. His wife Christelle, sells his catch every day. Find sole, mackerel, squid, turbot, brill etc... on his fish stone.
Opening hours
Opening hours from 01/01/2024 to 31/03/2024 - Closed on monday
from 01/04/2024 to 30/09/2024 - Closed on monday
from 01/10/2024 to 31/12/2024 - Closed on monday
from 01/04/2024 to 30/09/2024 - Closed on monday
from 01/10/2024 to 31/12/2024 - Closed on monday
Contact / Find
- Address: Quai des Alliés, 14470 COURSEULLES-SUR-MER
- Phone:
- Mobile: 06 86 24 98 10