
Gerry Boudreau, an Acadian artist from Nova Scotia, passed away one year ago. A native of Wedgeport, he played an important role in the development and promotion of Acadian artists in Nova Scotia Many artists who participated in the Semaine Acadienne en Normandie festival thanks to Gerry thank him in this tribute show. This show is produced by FÉCANE and made possible by the support of our partners: Office of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie Nova Scotia, the Municipality of Clare, the Municipality of Argyle, the Congrès mondial acadien 2024, the Centre d'appui à la petite enfance de la Nouvelle-Écosse, the Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse, Université Sainte-Anne, the Conseil acadien de Par-en-Bas, the Société acadienne de Clare, the Société nationale de l'Acadie, and À l'Infini communications A huge thank you to Ronald Bourgeois for his great dedication to this project and his desire to honour his friend Gerry.

Opening hours

  • the 12 august 2025 from 17:30


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